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Ricky Aguilar
Building Manager
Email Ricky Aguilar
Wyatt Aping
Social Studies Teacher
Email Wyatt Aping
George Arizmendez
English Teacher
Email George Arizmendez
Alex Ashton
Social Studies Teacher
Email Alex Ashton
Lisa Austin
Band Assistant
Email Lisa Austin
Anthony Boschetti
Campus Security
Email Anthony Boschetti
Ryan Bourque
Math Teacher
Email Ryan Bourque
Justin Brown
Email Justin Brown
Peter Brown
Assistant Principal
Email Peter Brown
Vernon Brown
Special Education Teacher
Email Vernon Brown
Sandy Buk
English Teacher
Email Sandy Buk
Elisha Burleson
Science Teacher
Email Elisha Burleson
Sanna Cain
AP Secretary
Email Sanna Cain
Edward Capps
Math teacher
Email Edward Capps
Lana Carey
Dance Teacher
Email Lana Carey
Tonya Carmichael-Feller
Special Education Teacher
Email Tonya Carmichael-Feller
Denise Caudill
Special Education Teacher
Email Denise Caudill
Lizbet Celis
AP Secretary
Email Lizbet Celis
Pam Charles
Special Education Teacher
Email Pam Charles
Christine Childers
Counselor's Secretary
Email Christine Childers
Sara Cooper
Math teacher
Email Sara Cooper
Breeana Crine
Counselor A-Cl
Email Breeana Crine
Chris Crunk
PE Teacher
Email Chris Crunk
Carolina Curry-Shutt
Email Carolina Curry-Shutt
Jason Domingo
English Teacher
Email Jason Domingo
Nicole Dominguez
Social Studies Teacher
Email Nicole Dominguez
Grizelda Dozal
AP Secretary
Email Grizelda Dozal
Sarah Eames
Art Teacher
Email Sarah Eames
Kimberly Enright
Email Kimberly Enright
Korie Farrell
School Banker
Email Korie Farrell
Jesus Feliciano
Math Teacher
Email Jesus Feliciano
Greg Gaskill
Theatre Teacher
Email Greg Gaskill
Benjamin Gasque
Social Studies Teacher
Email Benjamin Gasque
Avant Gates
Special Education Teacher
Email Avant Gates
Bryan Gidge
Physical Education Teacher
Email Bryan Gidge
Jennifer Giusto
Assistant Principal
Email Jennifer Giusto
Kelly Higgins
Science Teacher
Email Kelly Higgins
Thomas Higgins
Science Teacher
Email Thomas Higgins
Sheila Hix
School Health Asst.
Email Sheila Hix
Gideon Huggins
Health/PE Teacher
Email Gideon Huggins
Matt Iglitz
Social Studies Teacher
Email Matt Iglitz
Tina Johnsen
Math Teacher
Email Tina Johnsen
John Jorgensen
Social Studies Teacher
Email John Jorgensen
Ashley Karnes
Email Ashley Karnes
Frankie King
Physical Education Teacher
Email Frankie King
James Kloberdance
Math Teacher
Email James Kloberdance
Rajesh Kumar
Math Teacher
Email Rajesh Kumar
Bobby Laas
Social Studies Teacher
Email Bobby Laas
Andrew Lane
Math Teacher
Email Andrew Lane
First Name (Required) Last Name (Required)
Email First Name (Required) Last Name (Required)
Shelby Ledesma
Math Teacher
Email Shelby Ledesma
Jason Lundblad
Social Studies Teacher
Email Jason Lundblad
KanDee Mathews
Principal's Secretary
Email KanDee Mathews
Joseph May
Science Teacher
Email Joseph May
Melissa McArthur
Email Melissa McArthur
Denetta McDonald
Special Education Teacher
Email Denetta McDonald
Taylor McLaughlin
English Teacher
Email Taylor McLaughlin
Megan Mengistu
Social Worker
Email Megan Mengistu
Marchelle Mitchell
Special Education Teacher
Email Marchelle Mitchell
Maria Mitra
Special Education Teacher
Email Maria Mitra
John Moody
English Teacher
Email John Moody
Kailah Mosley
English Teacher
Email Kailah Mosley
Jackie Mueller
AP Secretary
Email Jackie Mueller
Bristol Nash
Science Teacher
Email Bristol Nash
Margaret Novack
CTE and Science Teacher
Email Margaret Novack
Lori Olivares
Email Lori Olivares
Dacia Overstreet
Math Teacher
Email Dacia Overstreet
Travis Pardee
Performing Arts DC
Email Travis Pardee
Lydia Pate
Instructional Asst.
Email Lydia Pate
Dana Perry
Assistant Principal
Email Dana Perry
Regan Peterson
English DC
Email Regan Peterson
Trina Petty
Counselor College and Career
Email Trina Petty
Brian Phelan
English Teacher
Email Brian Phelan
Anthony Polzien
Assistant Principal
Email Anthony Polzien
Russell Quering
Assistant Principal
Email Russell Quering
Paul Rapant
English Teacher
Email Paul Rapant
Samantha Reichelt
Math DC
Email Samantha Reichelt
Mark Richards
PE Teacher
Email Mark Richards
Andrew Risheg
I.T. Support
Email Andrew Risheg
Selena Rodriguez
AP Secretary
Email Selena Rodriguez
Jackie Romero
Science Teacher
Email Jackie Romero
Jeff Scholl
Spanish Teacher
Email Jeff Scholl
Tiffany Schwindt
Science Teacher
Email Tiffany Schwindt
Yasmine Shah
Special Education Teacher
Email Yasmine Shah
Nicole Shay
Email Nicole Shay
Chem Simoneau
Science Teacher
Email Chem Simoneau
Jason Sirak
Physical Education Teacher
Email Jason Sirak
Chris Sisson
Math Teacher
Email Chris Sisson
Sherry Smith
English Teacher
Email Sherry Smith
Derek Soler
Computer Tech
Email Derek Soler
Christina Stark
Science Teacher
Email Christina Stark
Adam Starr
Special Education Teacher
Email Adam Starr
Adam Steff
Associate Band Director
Email Adam Steff
Jonathan Synold
Morris Thompson
Foriegn Language DC
Email Morris Thompson
James Thurman
PE Teacher
Email James Thurman
Bill Tobler
English Teacher
Email Bill Tobler
Susan Tomlinson
Email Susan Tomlinson
Dena Trees
Health Teacher
Email Dena Trees
Kiley Veigel
Science DC
Email Kiley Veigel
Vyron Wallace
campus monitor
Email Vyron Wallace
Kelly Wentz
Ceramics Teacher
Email Kelly Wentz
Lindsay Whelan
Associate Band Director
Email Lindsay Whelan
Kalee Whipple
Counselor P-Sl
Email Kalee Whipple
Patricia Winlow
Counselor Gh-La
Email Patricia Winlow
Bianca Wood
Email Bianca Wood
Online Payments